Joomla heeft security problemen. Joomla upgraden is raadzaam

Het CMS Joomla moet je regelmatig updaten.

Misschien denk je dat Joomla  minder kans loopt op problemen dan WordPress, maar niets is minder waar: vanmorgen kreeg ik een alert van het Joomla security center in mijn mail over een aantal Joomla exploits; Joomla upgraden is raadzaam is het advies.

[20180104] – Core – SQLi vulnerability in Hathor postinstall message, Impact: High, Severity: Low, , Joomla! CMS versions 3.7.0 through 3.8.3
[20180103] – Core – XSS vulnerability in Uri class Impact: Moderate Severity: Low Versions: 3.7.0 through 3.8.3
[20180102] – Core – XSS vulnerability in com_fields, Impact: Moderate Severity: Low Versions: 3.7.0 through 3.8.3
Description: Inadequate input filtering in com_fields leads to a XSS vulnerability in multiple field types, i.e. list, radio and checkbox
[20180101] – Core – XSS vulnerability in module chromes Impact: Moderate severity: Low Versions: 3.0.0 through 3.8.3


Upgrade to version 3.8.4


The JSST at the Joomla! Security Centre.

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